Read: Transforming Back Office Operations with Intelligent Automation

Author name: Brilliant Webs

chief technology officer working remotely from standing desk.

The Virtual Chief Technology Officer: Exploring CTO-as-a-Service

CTOs have critical skills as today’s business landscape is increasingly technology-driven. Most companies could use a CTO’s skills, but qualified candidates are receiving competitive offers from everywhere. This is why the concepts of the virtual chief technology officer and CTO-as-a-service are important. In this article, we’ll explore these concepts and what they could mean for …

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Office workers having a meeting at a table.

Mitigating Information Technology Risk in Financial Services

In our increasingly digital world, financial institutions are becoming more and more reliant on information technology (IT) to conduct their operations. The use of advanced IT systems has revolutionized the way these organizations operate, offering unprecedented levels of efficiency and convenience. However, this reliance on technology introduces a multitude of IT risks that could significantly …

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Two men looking at a laptop in front of a blackboard.

The Future of Data Management in Financial Services

Data management has always been a critical element of successful financial services (FS) operations. But the data management landscape has grown more complex as types of data, new regulatory requirements, market needs, and technologies emerge. Now, only 16% of financial services leaders can easily leverage financial data for decision-making, Gartner reports. FS teams have to …

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Employees in an open office

How to Implement Security Awareness and Training Across Your Financial Firm

According to the 2023 IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, the finance industry is among the five most-attacked sectors of the global economy. Now, the 2024 cyber threat landscape suggests that the financial services industry is increasingly susceptible to security incidents caused by phishing, social engineering, and other methods that exploit human error. “People remain—by far—the …

How to Implement Security Awareness and Training Across Your Financial Firm Read More »

Hallway in an ultra-modern office

Here’s What the Next-Generation of Work Will Look Like (And How You Can Prepare)

The next-generation work environment is expected to look vastly different from the current one, driven by social, digital, and technological trends. Unfortunately, too many companies aren’t making the changes necessary to prepare for and take advantage of future work environments. Employees themselves are also concerned about what the future of work might look like considering …

Here’s What the Next-Generation of Work Will Look Like (And How You Can Prepare) Read More »

Gold lock on a white keyboard next to two gold credit cards

From Compliance to Resilience: Building a Robust Cybersecurity Operation in Finance

Financial service firms are heavily regulated, so they must pay close attention to their compliance with data security regulations and guidelines. Achieving compliance with the latest regulations is a critical step, but it is only a first step on the path to building robust cybersecurity operations. Thankfully, financial services firms may have a leg up …

From Compliance to Resilience: Building a Robust Cybersecurity Operation in Finance Read More »

laptop in a home with remote meeting displayed on screen, next to a plant

Embracing Remote Work: Cybersecurity Best Practices for Financial Firms

Despite some recent pushback from business leaders and entrepreneurs, the remote work trend is still running strong at many organizations, including financial services firms. According to a report by Bloomberg, 66% of banks offer their employees some type of flexible working environment, and just 20% require workers to be in the office all the time. …

Embracing Remote Work: Cybersecurity Best Practices for Financial Firms Read More »

Man looking at financial data on two laptops

7 Technologies Shaping the Future of Financial Services

Technology’s role in financial services is undeniably transformative, and most financial services firms are either developing or implementing strategies to leverage the latest technologies. One BDO study found that 97% of financial services firms were making inroads into digital transformation four years ago. However, according to McKinsey & Company, only 30% of financial institutions that …

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jar filled with coins with plant growing out of it

The Green Finance Revolution: Strategies and Imperatives for Your Sustainable Growth

As the climate crisis continues, leaders in the financial services space are coming to terms with their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibilities. The consensus among analysts and industry leaders is clear: the global financial sector will be foundational to progress on this front. “There is a significant opportunity for the financial services industry to …

The Green Finance Revolution: Strategies and Imperatives for Your Sustainable Growth Read More »

Man in sweater working on computer

How Hyperconvergence Can Streamline IT Operations in the Financial Sector

Countless financial services firms have turned to the cloud to improve their IT infrastructure. That’s because many on-premise solutions have become costly, tedious, and counter to their evolving IT goals. But “the cloud is not a silver bullet for every single business process,” as Forbes describes. Cloud solutions should be part of any modern IT …

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