Read: Transforming Back Office Operations with Intelligent Automation

Women looking at a laptop using DevOps for financial services

Leveraging DevOps for Financial Services Innovation

DevOps has been widely adopted by technology firms for software development, infrastructure improvement, and digital transformation. However, the reality of this current business landscape demands that every company treat itself as a technology company, including financial institutions.

Moreover, financial firms have a significant opportunity to deliver more value to clients and customers through comprehensive technology products and innovative services. According to an article by McKinsey & Company, financial institutions “have so much opportunity to take all these different technologies, combine them, and then continuously recombine them to keep creating better financial products and services. And given the speed at which new technology is coming out, that’s only going to continue to accelerate.”

This article explores how financial services firms can employ DevOps for application development, culture change, digital transformation, and more.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). The purpose of DevOps is to shorten the system development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.

DevOps integrates developers and operations teams to improve collaboration and productivity by automating infrastructure and workflows, and by continuously measuring application performance. The entire concept is built around the idea of streamlining and enhancing communication and collaboration within organizations, fostering a culture where building, testing, and releasing applications can happen rapidly, frequently, and reliably.

The Benefits of DevOps for Financial Services Firms

Financial services firms can significantly benefit from DevOps by enhancing their ability to quickly respond to market changes and customer needs. Through the adoption of DevOps practices, firms can accelerate their application delivery timelines, enabling the rapid deployment of new features and services.

This not only improves their competitiveness but also enhances customer satisfaction through the provision of more reliable and higher-quality services.

According to another article by McKinsey & Company, leading financial institutions can “rewire their operating model across application development, infrastructure, risk, and security to take full advantage of the automation enabled by cloud, particularly during the period before the full cloud migration is complete. This requires DevOps and site-reliability-engineering (SRE) practices, productized infrastructure services, outcome-driven governance, and engineering-centric capabilities.”

DevOps can even lead to more efficient risk management processes. By automating and incorporating rigorous testing and monitoring throughout the development lifecycle, firms can detect and address potential issues early, reducing the risk of costly downtime or compliance violations.

Types of Software and Applications for Financial Services Using DevOps

Financial services firms, leveraging DevOps practices, can develop a wide range of software and applications tailored to meet their unique business needs and improve customer experiences. These include:

  • Mobile Applications: Mobile applications offer customers the convenience of conducting various transactions from their mobile devices. With DevOps, financial institutions can rapidly update app features and security measures to enhance user experience and safeguard against cyber threats.
  • Automated Trading Systems: By utilizing DevOps, firms can create sophisticated platforms that use algorithms to execute trades at the best possible prices, improving efficiency and profitability.
  • Risk Management Tools: DevOps allows for the development of advanced risk assessment software that can analyze vast amounts of data in real time. This helps identify potential risks faster, so firms can implement mitigating strategies more efficiently.
  • Fraud Detection Systems: DevOps enables the creation of dynamic, bespoke systems capable of detecting and preventing fraudulent activities, thus protecting both the firm and its customers.
  • Custom Financial Technology (FinTech) Solutions: With DevOps, financial institutions can create custom FinTech solutions to streamline processes such as market analysis and investment management. This enables them to offer more personalized services and stay ahead of the constantly evolving technological landscape.

By adopting DevOps, financial services firms can dramatically improve the development, deployment, and quality of these applications. They can also foster innovation and launch new initiatives without disrupting their regular operations.

Using DevOps for Digital Transformation

The integration of DevOps practices is also a vital component of digital transformation. That’s because it facilitates a more agile and responsive IT infrastructure. By emphasizing collaboration and continuous delivery, DevOps enables organizations to more efficiently adapt to the digital demands of their customers and the market.

Such a transformation isn’t merely about upgrading technology. It’s about shifting the organizational culture towards innovation, experimentation, and rapid iteration.

DevOps is critical for the seamless integration of new digital technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data analytics into existing systems. However, financial services firms can leverage DevOps to not only accelerate the deployment of digital services but also improve their overall competitiveness and customer satisfaction.

Common Challenges in Adopting DevOps for Financial Services Firms

While there are numerous benefits to adopting DevOps practices in financial services firms, there are also unique challenges that must be considered. These may include:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Financial services firms are subject to strict regulatory requirements, and any changes to their systems or processes must comply with these regulations. Adapting DevOps practices while maintaining compliance requires a delicate balance.
  • Legacy Systems and Infrastructure: Many financial institutions have complex legacy systems and infrastructure in place that are not easily adaptable to DevOps practices. This can increase the time and effort required for integration and automation.
  • Cultural Shift: Adopting DevOps often requires a cultural shift within an organization, with teams needing to collaborate more closely and take on new responsibilities. This may require significant changes in mindset, which could be met with resistance.

These challenges can be difficult to navigate, but firms shouldn’t forgo reaping the benefits of DevOps because of them.

Technology leaders at financial services firms should consult with third-party technology consultants who specialize in the financial sector before launching their next initiative using DevOps. DevOps experts can significantly increase the chances of success and help firms navigate potential roadblocks.

Adopt DevOps for Financial Services Transformation

DevOps is a powerful strategy that can deliver significant benefits to financial services firms, including streamlined operations, faster application delivery, improved risk management, and enhanced customer satisfaction. While challenges may exist, they are worth overcoming for the long-term growth and success of these organizations.

To learn more about how you can leverage DevOps for your firm, contact us at OptionOne today.