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Mastering AI Prompt Engineering in Financial Services

Financial organizations are increasingly leveraging AI to enhance their operations, so they must gain skills in AI prompt engineering. According to a report by Forbes, more than 95% of firms are investing in AI. These firms will integrate the technology “into client-facing, front-office functions such as customer service and research, as well as into operations, data management, risk, fraud and virtually every other area of the business,” the report said.

AI prompt engineering is the process of designing and developing the most effective prompts to guide AI systems toward desired outcomes. It involves identifying the right data sources, determining the appropriate algorithms, and creating a human-AI interface that can be easily interpreted by both machines and humans.

Here, we’ll explore how prompt engineering works and how financial services firms can use prompt engineering to leverage AI in a variety of contexts.

Why AI Prompt Engineering is Important

Crafting precise AI prompts allows firms to maximize the reliability and value derivable from their AI investments, ensuring the technology delivers actionable insights and competitive advantages. The benefits of prompt engineering in financial services are numerous, but mastering this skill is also critical to securing the firm’s future in a highly competitive landscape.

Analyzing Vast Amounts of Data

Financial institutions deal with vast amounts of data and require sophisticated models to analyze trends, detect fraud, and automate decision-making processes. With effective prompting, these AI models can delve deeper into datasets, uncovering nuanced patterns and providing more accurate forecasts.

This not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances strategic planning and customer service, driving overall business performance.

Addressing Risk

However, the intricate nature of AI prompting also addresses significant risks associated with AI implementation. The massive scale of data processed by financial institutions can lead to noisy, irrelevant, or incorrect outputs if prompts are not carefully designed.

Given the probabilistic nature of many AI models, precise and clear querying is essential to minimize errors and ensure the reliability of results. By investing in robust prompt engineering practices, financial organizations can mitigate potential pitfalls, maintaining the integrity and usefulness of their AI systems.

Delivering on Client Expectations

Consumers are growing increasingly accustomed to AI-enabled services, and they now expect financial services firms to have at least some uses for the technology. Soon, AI will be a foundational technology rather than a novel experience for both staff and clients.

“As I think of it, AI will just go away and become pervasive, like an operating system you build applications on top of,” said Asim Tewary, the former chief AI officer at PayPal, in an interview with MIT Sloan. “AI is underlying everything that empowers how people do things.”

How to Master AI Prompt Engineering

An AI prompt is essentially a set of instructions designed to initialize a specific response or action from an AI model. In the context of financial services, an AI prompt might involve providing initial data, specifying the desired outputs, and outlining any constraints or parameters the AI system should consider.

For instance, a prompt could instruct an AI to analyze transaction data to detect potential fraud, specifying the type of transactions to focus on, the time frame, and any known indicators of fraudulent activity.

Step-by-Step Guide to Generating AI Prompts

A well-crafted prompt includes a clear aim. It uses relevant data and designated constraints to produce an expected output.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to generating AI prompts:

  1. Identify the Objective

Start by clearly defining the problem or objective you want the AI to address. Whether it’s detecting fraud, predicting market trends, or improving customer service, a clear goal is essential for creating an effective prompt.

  1. Gather Relevant Data

Collect and prepare the data that the AI system will use. Ensure the data is clean, relevant, and comprehensive. Sources can include historical transaction data, market reports, or customer feedback.

  1. Specify the Requirements

Outline any specific requirements or constraints for the AI analysis. This might include time frames, types of transactions, market conditions, or other relevant parameters.

  1. Formulate the Prompt

Develop the prompt by combining the objective, data, and requirements into a clear and coherent set of instructions. Ensure the language is precise and unambiguous to avoid any misinterpretations by the AI model.

  1. Test the Prompt

Before full-scale implementation, test the prompt on a smaller dataset to verify its effectiveness. Analyze the initial results to identify any issues or areas for improvement.

  1. Refine and Iterate

Based on the test results, refine the prompt to address any shortcomings. This might involve rephrasing instructions, adjusting constraints, or providing additional context.

  1. Implement and Monitor

Once the prompt is optimized, implement it within your AI system for broader use. Continuously monitor the AI’s performance and make adjustments as necessary to maintain accuracy and effectiveness.

  1. Document the Process

Keep detailed documentation of the prompt development process, including objectives, data sources, requirements, and iterations. This documentation can be invaluable for future prompt engineering efforts and ongoing AI system maintenance.

Providing Intelligence for the AI

Many AI programs allow users to provide “intelligence” to the AI to guide and contextualize outputs. This is essentially a knowledge base that the AI can reference for more informed decision-making and more accurate outputs.

Working alongside prompts, this intelligence also ensures that the AI system continuously learns and improves, increasing its value to the organization over time.

Potential Sources of Intelligence

In the financial services industry, this intelligence can come from a variety of sources, such as the following:

  • Historical Transaction Data: Detailed records of past financial transactions, which can help the AI identify patterns and anomalies.
  • Market Reports: Comprehensive analyses and forecasts from financial markets, providing insights into trends and opportunities.
  • Customer Feedback: Direct feedback from clients, highlighting their needs, preferences, and experiences.
  • Regulatory Guidelines: Updated compliance and regulatory standards to ensure that AI-driven decisions adhere to legal requirements.
  • Economic Indicators: Key metrics such as GDP, inflation rates, and employment statistics, which influence financial markets and decision-making.
  • Competitor Analysis: Information on the strategies and performance of competitors, offering insights into industry best practices.
  • Company Financial Statements: Internal financial data, including balance sheets and income statements, to inform strategic planning.
  • News Articles: Current events and financial news, providing context for market fluctuations and economic conditions.
  • Expert Opinions: Insights from industry experts and analysts, offering valuable perspectives on market developments and strategic decisions.

Your ability to add this intelligence, and your methods for doing so, may depend on the AI tool you use. Some AI programs have specific inputs for this type of intelligence. Others, however, may require you to create specific prompts that reference this information.

Regardless of the method, this intelligence is critical, especially when considering issue like compliance and accuracy. By providing this additional context and information, financial services firms can enhance their AI’s ability to generate meaningful insights and drive informed decision-making.

AI Prompt Engineering for Specific AI Use Cases in Financial Services

AI can enhance efficiency, accuracy, and the customer experience, but its success in doing so is based almost entirely on how the technology is implemented and how well it is prompted. Financial services firms must pinpoint use cases for the technology to drive true value. They must also create contextualized prompts and bases of intelligence that the AI can rely on to deliver meaningful outputs.

Below are specific use cases where AI can be effectively implemented within the financial sector, as well as some insight into how to prompt for these uses:

Customer Service and Engagement

Generative AI can power advanced chatbots and virtual assistants to provide 24/7 customer support, answer queries, and assist with basic transactions. This can significantly improve customer satisfaction and reduce the workload on human agents.

Below is an example of an AI prompt tailored for improving customer service and engagement through a virtual assistant:


Improve customer engagement and satisfaction by providing accurate and timely responses to customer inquiries through a virtual assistant.


  • Historical customer interaction logs
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their responses
  • Customer feedback and satisfaction ratings
  • Product and service details
  • Transaction data


  • The AI must respond within three seconds.
  • It should handle 80% of customer queries without human intervention.
  • Comply with all relevant regulatory and privacy guidelines.
  • Provide personalized responses based on customer transaction history and preferences.

Example AI Prompt

Objective: Enhance customer service by providing accurate, timely, and personalized responses to customer inquiries through a virtual assistant.


  1. Use historical customer interaction logs, FAQs, and customer feedback to understand common queries and appropriate responses.
  2. Respond to customer inquiries within three seconds to improve satisfaction.
  3. Automatically route any complex or unresolved issues to a human customer service agent.
  4. Integrate customer transaction history and preferences to offer personalized assistance.
  5. Adhere to privacy and regulatory requirements when handling customer data.
  6. Continuously learn from new customer interactions to improve response accuracy and relevance over time.

Sample Query: “What is the current balance of my savings account?”

Expected Response: “Your current savings account balance is $2,500. Would you like to know the details of your recent transactions?”

Document Analysis and Processing

AI models can rapidly analyze and summarize complex financial documents like contracts, policies, credit memos, and regulatory filings. This speeds up information retrieval and synthesis for employees, allowing them to focus on higher-value tasks.

Below is an example of an AI prompt tailored for this specific use case:


Enhance the efficiency and accuracy of document analysis and processing by summarizing complex financial documents and extracting critical information.


  • Historical documents (contracts, policies, credit memos, regulatory filings)
  • Annotated examples of key sections and highlights
  • User feedback on document summaries
  • Compliance and regulatory guidelines


  • The AI must process documents within ten seconds.
  • Achieve an accuracy rate of 95% in identifying and summarizing key information.
  • Comply with all relevant regulatory standards.
  • Provide actionable insights based on extracted data.
  • Continuously update its knowledge base with new document types and formats.

Example AI Prompt

Objective: Enhance document analysis and processing by rapidly summarizing complex financial documents and extracting key information.


  1. Use historical documents and annotated examples to understand common formats and critical sections.
  2. Summarize complex documents within ten seconds to improve efficiency.
  3. Achieve a 95% accuracy rate in identifying and summarizing key information.
  4. Extract actionable insights based on the summarized data.
  5. Adhere to regulatory and compliance guidelines when processing documents.
  6. Continuously learn from new document types and user feedback to improve accuracy and relevance.

Sample Document: “This credit memo states that the borrower must repay the outstanding balance of $10,000 by 30th November 2023, at an interest rate of 5%.”

Expected Response: “The borrower needs to repay $10,000 by 30th November 2023, with an interest rate of 5%.”

Code Generation and Software Development

AI-powered coding assistants can accelerate software development processes, improving productivity for financial institutions’ IT teams. Below is an example of an AI prompt engineering that can be leveraged for this specific use case:


Enhance software development productivity and code quality by generating accurate and efficient code snippets based on developer requirements.


  • Historical code repositories
  • Code documentation and guidelines
  • User feedback on generated code
  • Development environment settings
  • Programming language specifications


  • The AI must generate code within five seconds.
  • It should achieve a 90% accuracy rate in producing functional code.
  • Adhere to established coding standards and best practices.
  • Integrate seamlessly with the current development environment.
  • Continuously improve based on developer feedback and new code repositories.

Example AI Prompt

Objective: Improve software development productivity and code quality by generating accurate, efficient code snippets based on developer requirements.


  1. Use historical code repositories and documentation to understand standard coding patterns and best practices.
  2. Generate code snippets within five seconds to enhance developer productivity.
  3. Maintain a 90% accuracy rate in producing functional code that adheres to coding standards.
  4. Automatically integrate generated code snippets into the current development environment.
  5. Follow established coding guidelines and best practices for the relevant programming languages.
  6. Continuously learn from developer feedback and updated code repositories to improve code generation accuracy and relevance.

Sample Query: “Generate a Python function to calculate the compound interest given principal, rate, and time.”

Expected Response:


def calculate_compound_interest(principal, rate, time):

amount = principal * (1 + rate/100) ** time

return amount

Market Analysis and Forecasting

By processing vast amounts of financial data and news, generative AI can provide insights for market trends and assist in creating more accurate financial forecasts. Below is an example of an AI prompt for this specific use case:


Enhance the accuracy of market analysis and financial forecasting by processing large datasets and extracting actionable insights.


  • Historical market data and financial news
  • Economic indicators and reports
  • Company performance metrics
  • Social media sentiment analysis
  • Analyst reports and forecasts


  • The AI must process data within ten seconds.
  • Achieve an accuracy rate of 92% in predicting market trends.
  • Adhere to all relevant regulatory and compliance guidelines.
  • Provide actionable insights and recommendations.
  • Continuously update its algorithms with new market trends and data.

Example AI Prompt

Objective: Enhance market analysis and financial forecasting by rapidly processing large datasets and extracting actionable insights.


  1. Utilize historical market data and financial news to identify existing patterns and trends.
  2. Analyze and summarize economic indicators and company performance metrics within ten seconds.
  3. Achieve a 92% accuracy rate in predicting market trends and offering actionable recommendations.
  4. Include social media sentiment analysis to gauge public opinion on market developments.
  5. Adhere to regulatory and compliance guidelines when processing and reporting data.
  6. Continuously update predictive models with new market trends, data, and analyst reports to improve forecasting accuracy.

Sample Query: “Analyze the current market trends and predict the performance of tech stocks for the next quarter.”

Expected Response: “Based on the current market trends and data analysis, tech stocks are expected to perform positively in the next quarter, with a projected growth rate of 5%.”

Regulatory Compliance

AI can help summarize and interpret complex regulatory documents, ensuring compliance and reducing the risk of violations. Here’s an example of an AI prompt tailored for this specific use case:


Assist in summarizing and interpreting complex regulatory documents to ensure compliance and reduce the risk of violations.


  • Regulatory guidelines and standards
  • Historical compliance records
  • Legal texts and documentation
  • Industry-specific compliance requirements
  • User feedback on compliance issues


  • The AI must summarize documents within ten seconds.
  • Achieve a 95% accuracy rate in interpreting regulatory guidelines.
  • Adhere to all relevant legal and compliance standards.
  • Provide clear and actionable compliance recommendations.
  • Continuously update its knowledge base with new regulations and legal rulings.

Example AI Prompt

Objective: Summarize and interpret complex regulatory documents to ensure compliance and reduce the risk of violations.


  1. Use regulatory guidelines and historical compliance records to understand standard compliance requirements.
  2. Summarize complex regulatory documents within ten seconds.
  3. Achieve a 95% accuracy rate in interpreting guidelines and providing actionable recommendations.
  4. Include industry-specific compliance requirements in the analysis.
  5. Adhere to all relevant legal and compliance standards when processing documents.
  6. Continuously update the system’s knowledge base with new regulations and legal rulings to improve accuracy and relevance.

Sample Query: “Summarize the new GDPR amendments and their implications for data processing in financial institutions.”

Expected Response: “The new GDPR amendments require financial institutions to implement stricter data processing protocols, including enhanced data security measures and more transparent data handling practices, to ensure compliance.”

Improve Your AI Prompt Engineering Skills

Generative AI stands out as a transformative tool in diverse applications such as code generation, market analysis, and regulatory compliance in the financial services industry. By mastering prompt engineering, firms can achieve greater efficiency and accuracy, deliver more services to clients, and gain a competitive edge in a marketplace that is rapidly evolving.

To learn more about how your firm can leverage artificial intelligence, contact us today at Option One Technologies.